Thursday, September 4, 2008

Internet Safety

Internet safety is definitely a major concern nowadays. Indeed, the internet is a wonderful resource not only for adults but also for our kids. The video on "A Vision of K-12 students" refer to our students nowadays as the 21st Century Learner. They only need to punch several keys and immediately they have access to the rest of the world. Unfortunately such access can also be dangerous to them. We worry about identify theft, or meeting criminals on the net, or exposure to pornographic materials, but no matter how much we worry about it, we cannot get away from using the internet. Emails, internet purchases, banking activities, to name a few, are now part of how our society functions. For example, I never blogged until I enrolled in a reading class last summer. I was hesitant about the idea, but since it was required I had to do it. Although I now appreciate its value, I realized that in order for me to function and participate in some activities like educational activities in the college, I have to use the internet to blog.

Although we worry about internet safety for our children, the use of internet is something we have to be open about and deal with. It is important that we are constantly aware of the information that our children acquire and give out as well as who they interact with. Our children are now the so-called digital learners, so just to be safe we have to talk to them about the internet and be watchful in order to protect them from any potential dangers.


Admin said...

A 6 years old child now can already play online games. We need to tell our children about internet safety adn give them a long list of children websites.

School Search Engine

Dr. Luongo said...

Great ideas, Violeta.

Education is the key. We need to show students how to use the Internet correctly.

On the same token, you are also learning how to use technology (such as this blog, etc...) in a positive manner. If you show your future students that you have an educational blog that is used creatively and appropriately, it may promote writing.

Excellent work!

Francine said...

I agree that although the internet can be unsafe to children if used inappropriately, it is necessary for them to continue to embrace its functionality. In addition, as teachers, I think it is extremely necessary for us to continue to educate our students on the proper ways of using the internet to benefit their learning. At the same time, I think it's also a good idea to share with them some examples of how the internet can be harmful if not used properly.