Tuesday, June 24, 2008

NCLB and Test Scores

I came across this article today at the Education Week website edweek.org titled "Since NCLB Law, Test Scores on Rise". The article is about the result of a study conducted by the Center on Education Policy that studied data from all 50 states from 2002 to 2007. According to the study, student achievement in mathematics and reading has risen on state tests, particularly in elementary and middle school and that the gap between white and minority children has narrowed since the passage of the NCLB Act. They observed a "moderate to large" gains in mathematics and reading for 4th graders, while most 8th graders fared well in math but not much in reading. I find this to be a very interesting development. Please check the article if you want to read further.

1 comment:

Shaheed Lewis said...

Interesting study lets hope this trend continues... Test scores seem to be the pertinent focus on education and the funding that comes with it. Its like a cache22 do well receieve less funding, do well poorly and receive aid. Some schools are caught in the middle trying to play both sides of test scores and state/federal funding.